Do you find yourself feeling like the only contribution you can give to the fashion industry is to be a designer? And then struggling to find your design language to provide something ‘unique’ to the market of 150 Billion garments that are produced year by year?
Well, if you have already embarked on this journey and are no longer resonating with the process but still have a desire to be a part of the ever-growing industry and culture that is Fashion, here are some ways in which you can pivot.
Have you pivoted interests within the fashion industry?
I've been thinking about it
Firstly, be aware that the fashion industry is inclusive in the sense that it utilises every possible skill you can imagine. From natural resource management, to research development, data analytics, geometry (yes, maths), machine mechanics (yes, engineering), design, public relations, media & advertising, styling, project management, consulting and the list goes on!
Our values lay with our constant service to you, our fashion community. We make sure that as a fashion entrepreneur, you are exposed to the knowledge and resources you need to be successful.
Fashion takes more than a village. So you have to know where you want to situate your time and energy even if it means dabbling in a little bit of everything so you can find what sector you resonate with.
Reanalyse yourself & your (potential) business and ask these questions:
Am I in a loop: am I creating clothes/collections out of pure creative expression or do I have an unconscious desire to contribute to the fashion industry in order to meet external expectations?
Am I satisfied: Is this where I see myself and my business long term?
Is this conducive for my personal well-being or as a business model?
Slow down communication. Don’t halt.
We did this by slowly selling off inventory and casually moving into a different RTW style consisting of T-Shirts with a social message.
Be comfortable with inactivity and honour the seasons (you and your business are in).
TEST out your new venture if you want a realistic experience of what it could be to pivot.
Reintroduce yourself & business as what it is now (becoming).
Consistently repeat the message and answer questions your community poses to you. It’s a process/transition.
Maintain your tone of voice and visual branding for continuity people respond to familiarity.
By gradually repositioning, you will lose the clients who were initially there for your former offering but it also means that you will gain new clients who need your new products/services!
From August 2023, Introductory Consultations are now COMPLIMENTARY fashion services.
This is to increase your access to professional guidance and information on starting/developing your fashion entrepreneurial journey.
To start your fashion entrepreneurship journey and fashion business, click below
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